Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Growth Mindset: Confidence

Picture of Beyoncé 
Picture by Unknown
Source: Wikipedia 

After watching the video, 3 Tips to Boost Your Confidence, I feel so much better about this semester, DAT, and life in general. The first tip was my favorite, which was picturing your success. I think this is great advice. I think picturing myself taking the DAT while in a stressful environment really helps make the studying more realistic, and I automatically feel closer to my goal because I'll have one obstacle out of the way of my ultimate goal. The second tip was to have a growth mindset. This means knowing you can improve. I believe there is always room for improvement, and with a reminder that failure isn't an option, and to "keep swimming," as Dory so wisely said,  is a great motivator to reach even closer to my ultimate goal. The third tip was to practice failure. It sounds harsh, but it's really not. This means to fail, and fail some more until you've reached your ability to be comfortable in challenging environments and set backs. It makes sense because experiencing failure gives you an advantage of experience, and knowing how to handle stress in the future. 

I think this was such a helpful video. It was also something I really needed to hear at this point in my life...good timing. I will remember these three tips for the future, as well. Having confidence is so important because I feel success and confidence go hand in hand. The first person I think of when I hear confidence is Beyoncé, so I included the queen in my post. The link is posted above. I hope this video serves as a helpful tip to all my readers.

1 comment:

  1. Hello again Dhara! I agree with you that all those tips are important in order to maintain your goals. However, I think the most important one is the third one: practicing failure. I feel like a lot of people don't go after the things they want because they either think it's too unrealistic or they just doubt their abilities. This leads to anxiety about failing and prevents people from even starting for their goals.
