Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Famous Last Words: The movie "Get Out" and Racism

Teaser poster for 2017 film Get Out.png 
 Get Out
Picture by distributor of film, publisher of film, or the graphic artist
Source: Wikipedia

This past weekend my boyfriend and I went to watch Get Out as part of or two-year anniversary. I had no idea what I was about to witness as I took a seat. This film is by far one of my favorites. It tackles the concept of racism in such a suspenseful, mysterious way. I was under suspense the entire film.

I do believe racism still exits. There is definitely inequality in our world, and you will find injustice everyday if you pay close attention. There are bits and pieces in this movie that portray this. This movie is rated R for a reason. I do believe it is a “must watch,” but only if you are aware of the unfairness that still exists towards African American people. However, this movie can be relatable to all people no matter color. It is a great way to bring awareness, and really empathize with the people that suffer from racism. Empathy is hard to find when you aren’t the one suffering, but this movie takes you into the story, and really makes you feel the cruelty.

I felt all the emotions this movie wanted to portray—anger, hate, love, sadness, etc. There was a little bit of everything. Racism is such a big problem in our society, and I do not think it is getting better. I feel some people do not intentionally act with racism—sometimes we do not think about how something could come off as racist and rude. There is a scene in this movie that portrays this concept. A man in the film mentions how African American people have incredible physique, good fashion sense, and some other comments that could be taken as an insult—it’s all about perspective in this case.

This is by far one of my favorite movies, and everyone should go watch!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Dhara, I also have seen this movie! I agree with you that this movie shouldn't only be applied to racism towards African Americans. Instead, I think it's meant to highlight the injustice and inequality that all races face in today's world. Overall, I think it was a great movie and I hope there are more movies made that highlight the problems that our society faces today.
