Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Week 8 Growth Mindset

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. - Winston Churchill 
Picture by Unknown
Quote by Winston Churchill
 Source: Brainyquote

Wow, it's crazy how much we grow in one semester. I've been trying to focus on my own progress the most this semester in all areas of my life. I'll start off with college. I think it's really important to compare your past and your present. I like to ask myself how I feel in my classes every week to get a reality check. Some weeks I feel really overwhelmed, and other weeks I feel pretty great about school. This is a self reflection tactic I use. I like to plan out my week in my planner, and try to go back, and see what I really accomplished at the end of the week. I think it's important to pick one thing that I got done, and be proud of accomplishing that one goal. I feel like I have to "achieve" something really "big" every week to feel good about myself, so I set little goals in my planner to work on. Little goals turn into big achievements because my weeks have been super hectic this semester. 

A way to reflect on my progress in my relationships is by reflecting on certain memories made. For instance, I am celebrating my two year anniversary with my boyfriend in a couple weeks, and we just planned when, where, and what we will be doing. This is a big step for me because I feel like I wait till the last minute to plan, and just making a plan is a big achievement.

I think seeing progress in myself makes me want to better myself even more. There is always room for improvement. Focusing on my own progress will remind me of that, and will help me grow as an individual.

1 comment:

  1. I really like this quote. For the past ten years I have been focusing intensely at this growth mindset. I can say without doubt that I have enjoyed every minute of it. When we stop being challenged, we stop feeling good about ourselves, in my humble opinion. I like the idea that you present in this assignment. I don’t think that we take the time that we should to reflect on our past experiences and learn from them. We should all take a lesson from you and reflect.
