Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Learning Challenge: Healthy Tip

Tea Time
Picture by Abayburina
Source: Flickr

Recently, I've become a huge fan of Teavana! For those of you that do not know, Teavana is a tea store that has every type of tea you could possibly want. I've heard a lot of good things about tea. For example, tea can help you sleep, feel better when you're sick, lose weight, detox, etc. A new lifestyle habit I have added to my own life is drinking tea at least once a day. Right now, I'm switching between green tea with lemon, and a stress relief tea. 

I drink my stress relief tea right before bed. It has a very soothing scent, and has a bit of cinnamon in it. I think relaxation is so important in order to stay healthy. I strongly believe that "you are what you eat." That being said, I'm trying to discover new teas, and different ways to relax. My tea routine includes turning off my lights, and turning on my lamp, put my tea on my nightstand, and do my work in bed.  This makes my stressful homework assignments so much more doable--especially when its 2 AM, and I'm super exhausted. I also heard drinking tea after or before working out is a good habit to stay healthy. I'm going to give this a try next week! A healthy diet is so much more than looking good. It's a way to be the best person you can. I feel as if my entire body is getting a good cleanse after I drink my teas. I feel so much better about myself, and my diet. The best part about it is that it's super cheap to purchase when you're on a college budget, so grab a cup of tea and enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I completely relate to this post Dhara. I have been a new inductee into the world of tea drinking. It always sounded so sophisticated in the movies. In my best British accent,” Care for a cup-a-tea mum?” if you live on or near University of Oklahoma, there is a place just a few blocks west of campus called Teolli. They have a huge selection of fresh cut teas. I have absolutely loved trying the many teas. If you want to have a great pick-me-up, I recommend Enchanted Forest. It is made of various teas that has a fruit filled flavor but with the kick of a cup of coffee. The ingredient that gives it that punch is called Mate. The ingredient by itself is unpalatable, so don’t just go ordering that stuff in the wrong tea. I have also heard about the increased cognitive abilities that green tea offers, not to mention the apatite suppression benefits offered. Good luck in your future tea journeys.
