Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Reading Notes: Tales of Ancient India, Part A

The end of Kans
Picture by Martadas Pirbudial
Source: Wikimedia 

I liked how this story opened up with a background of how great things were. King Ugrasen enjoyed a blissful kingdom, everything was fair and righteous in the world, and his people admired the Queen dearly. But, that joy turned to sorry when a son was born into the King's palace. This part I was confused about because I was under the impression that sons were favored over daughters in this time period, and especially in this culture. The great chaos that ensued due to a son being born was described in great detail making it sound as if the world was ending. I could take note of the imagery and details used in this story in order to apply it to my own writing so I can make the story come to life! So eventually, the astrologers told King Ugrasen that his son, Kans, will be a mighty ruler, but his kingdom will be filled with evil. He was also destined to die by the hands of Krishna due to his unethical ways.

Sure enough, by the time Kans was old enough to play and crawl, he would kidnap his playmates and take them up to the mountain and kill them. I thought this was intense and something interesting I could integrate into my own story. I'm really enjoying the contrast between how great things were at the beginning to how awful they are starting to become after the birth of Kans. The older he got, the more ruthless and brutal he became and the more people he killed. Needless to say, Kans was beginning to turn into a monster. He began to take over the kingdom, calling in demons and devils from all over. It got so bad that a plague ravaged the kingdom and killed many people. There was no beauty in the world anymore, only death and destruction. I think retelling this part of the story would be very moving and help draw readers in by the sheer detail I could add. I'm looking forward to using this story and making it my own!

Bibliography: Tales of Ancient India by Edmund Charles Cox

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