Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Week 8 Reflections

Hey everyone! For the most part, my experience in this class has been great. I never thought I would enjoy writing as much as I have been in this class. It's really changed my perspective on how beneficial writing can be. I've learned that it gets my creative juices flowing and that it allows me to think outside of the box, which I think has also been helping me in my other classes. At the beginning of the course, I was a little overwhelmed by the sheer information that was given in order to begin the class and get into a rhythm, but as the weeks have gone by, I've gotten into a routine that's pretty easy to manage (except when I get sick and then everything is chaos). 

I think the reading notes are a great way to start brainstorming for ideas for the storytelling posts each week. So far, I think I've done a pretty good job at choosing stories to read that I can then use in order to tell my own stories. The content of these stories are great too! I've always wanted to learn more about my culture and background and I can confidently say that I have learned quite a bit. My favorite story so far has been about Sita and Rama falling in love with each other in the Ramayana. As for the reading schedule, I try and do it day by day, but sometimes I have to use the grace period because my classes have been pretty time consuming this semester. However, I've been doing my best to stay on track and I plan on using spring break to get ahead.

I love my stories! I think it's nice to be able to use your imagination and create stories that are meaningful. I think telling stories is one of the best ways to share ideas and information with others. There's a power in words that's indescribable sometimes. I'm sure there are times when you all have read something and it's completely left you speechless. As the weeks have gone by, I have realized that I enjoy writing for fun. It's nice to be able to write something without being critically graded for it. Usually when I'm stuck, I just take a break and come back to it and that's usually enough to get the creative juices flowing again. When reading other's stories, I love looking at the different styles and vocabulary that people use in order to get their message across. Everyone writes differently and seeing those differences manifest themselves into great stories is awesome! I enjoy seeing all the creativity. I have been receiving lots of great feedback on my stories and I have been doing my best to give the same kind of valuable feedback to other students in this class. I look forward to finishing off the semester strong and reading more amazing stories while also challenging myself to write better and give better feedback. 

Picture by Carlos Delgado
Source: Wikipedia

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