Monday, April 3, 2017

Tech Tip: Twitter Follow

I decided to follow OU Wellness. I did a bit of browsing on their account since it wasn't on private to figure out what OU Wellness is all about. I discovered it's about activities, food, programs that make you feel good! There was nothing stressful on their account. It was all about reaching out to people about how to live a better life. I even found a tweet about a good protein source. I take health very seriously, so this was a perfect follow for me. If you're interested in a better lifestyle here at OU, this would be a great follow!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Dhara! I didn't even know OU had a twitter account promoting wellness. I think students could benefit greatly from advice like this since they're under so much stress to do well in school. I know from experience that college classes sometimes hinder me from getting a lot of other personal things done that may be beneficial for my well-being. I think I'll go follow this page myself actually!
