Sunday, January 22, 2017

Growth Mindset

I have never heard Carol Dweck, but after listening to her speak about the concept of growth mindset, I feel like I need to apply the concept of "not yet" throughout my life. Dweck mentions that some students were given a grade of "not yet" instead of an actual letter grade. I feel this idea is definitely one that needs to be applied more in schools. If I were to be given an opportunity without knowing the pressure of a letter grade being the reward, I would enjoy more of my classes that I do not enjoy as much like Physics. It's about learning the concept, and wanting to be challenged, and not about making that A. I definitely want to learn more about growth mindset throughout this semester because it serves as a good reminder that I am here to learn. I am very excited for this course, and Organic Chemistry this semester. However, I'm worried about Physics. I think Dweck's ideas will really help me in accepting challenges in that class in particular. I would like to see this idea being taught to students more because the world would be a better, less stressful place. I believe society puts a lot of pressure on numbers and grades. However, numbers and grades do not make up a great professor, doctor, firefighter, etc. It is the idea of wanting to do better. I hope to see more of this in the future.

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