Thursday, January 19, 2017

Introduction to Myself and My Life

Personal photo of me in Norman Oklahoma in October 2016

Hi everyone! My name is Dhara Maisuria. I was born in New Jersey, but raised in Pryor, Oklahoma. I am a junior at The University of Oklahoma. I am majoring in Psychology/Pre-Dental with a Biology and Human Relations minor. I have a little sister and brother. My favorite thing to do when I feel overwhelmed, stressed, or just not having a good day is do yoga or pilates. My favorite color is red because it has many meanings like love, anger, passion, color of roses, etc. I love coffee. That being said, I also like to visit different cafes. One of my all time favorites is right here in Norman, Oklahoma—Second Wind.

I hope to be a dentist one day. I love doing community work that serves to provide better health care to those in need, so I volunteer at OKmom once a year. OKmom is a big free clinic in one area where the dental community in Oklahoma comes together to treat those that cannot have proper dental care. I also plan to volunteer at a dental lab this semester. Along with volunteering, I am currently studying for the DAT—Dental Admissions Test. My ultimate purpose in life is to serve others through dentistry. However, later on in life I would like to open up a coffee shop of my own while continuing my career.

I feel spending time with the people I care about is very important, so I go home every now and then during breaks to see my family, and drink our daily chai with them while talking about our lives. I enjoy shopping with my best friends. I also enjoy getting a cup of coffee in Oklahoma City with my mentor/friend. I like to try new places to eat with my boyfriend. These are just a few little things about my life and myself.


  1. Hi Dhara,

    The image you chose for this post really drew me in. What was the reasoning behind choosing this picture? Does it have to do with the fact that you like the color red?

    I also am an avid coffee lover, and learning about your love for coffee was great. It was interesting to see that you wanted to open up your own coffee shop one day, and that's awesome.

  2. Dhara it's great to interact with you again since PLC. I noticed that you like doing yoga and pilates; I was enrolled in pilates two semester ago. I really loved it.
    Also, I find it very inspiring and exciting that you want to open a coffee shop. I would definitely visit as I am a coffee lover. I drink it at all hours of the day. In addition to your impact on the community as a dentist in the future, the coffee shop will also assist other college students like ourselves who may need a better study spot or just a meeting place for friends.

    Like Sonali, I also liked the image you chose and would like to know the reasoning behind it.

  3. That is so great that you are into yoga, Dhara! I bet you are learning all kinds of great techniques you can even use with future dental patients to help get them to RELAX, which is not always the easiest thing for some people to do at the dentist's office. Are you interested in doing a yoga project for this class? Yoga is connected with some very ancient Indian traditions and some of the poses are even named for the characters from the ancient stories, like the Garudasana that is named for Garuda, the eagle god who is the vehicle of Vishnu, or Hanumanasana which is named after Hanuman, who is so important in the Ramayana! :-)

  4. Dhara is was nice getting to see a window into your life. I hope your dreams come true and you become a successful dentist and open a cafe type place of your own. I am very interested in this place you labeled as your favorite cafe in Norman. I'm actually from Norman and I've lived here my whole life and have never heard of Second Wind. I'll have to add it to my bucket list and try it out sometime!

  5. Hi Dhara, it is very nice to meet you! I really enjoyed getting to know you a little better after reading your introduction. You mentioned yoga helps you when feeling overwhelmed or stressed which is something new that I am trying this semester to help me out. I have really enjoyed it so far and have felt it has really helped me in calming my nerves! I am going to have to try Second Wind as I have never heard of it before but am all about trying new places in Norman as this is my last semester! I fell into a habit of frequenting the same places but have been wanting to branch out so I'll be adding Second Wind to my list of new places.

  6. Dhara, wow that's a big jump from New Jersey to Oklahoma! You must be a really determined person since you have a hard major, pre-dent, and 2 minors! That's really impressive. If you like coffee I suggest trying Quirk and Beans in Edmond (if you ever go that far). It's great a few friends from my church actually own it! If you also need a haircut, the owner's salon is literally right next door! They use local coffee beans and it's absolutely delicious. Good luck on your DAT!

  7. Hi Dhara, nice meeting you. I am quite familiar with New Jersey (or so I think) and I used to live in Morristown.In what town did you grow up? I really loved it there and the train ride used to be about an hour to NYC. Oh, how I miss those days! :) Do you go back home often?

    I'm also a big coffee lover, but have never heard of "Second Wind". I will definitely have to give it a try. Good luck with your DAT. I have two friends who are currently studying for it and I heard that it can be really difficult.

  8. Hi Dhara, it's nice to meet you! Long time no see. What's your favorite yoga pose? I have wanted to try yoga but have never gotten a chance to try it. Do you remember New Jersey at all? Did you like it there? You should definitely look into joining Global Brigades since you're so passionate about dentistry! I look forward to getting to read your stories this semester!

  9. Hi Dhara, it is nice to meet you! I am from Claremore, Oklahoma and know exactly where Pryor is. Been there a few times as well. I love animals as well so I think it is awesome that you want to be a Vet. I love second wind as well. I love going there to study. I agree with you on spending time with friends and family. It is a very good way to relieve stress. Good luck this semester!

  10. Very nice to meet you Dhara! I love that you have reasoning behind your favorite color being red. I've never heard anyone say a reason other than they like the way it looks for their favorite color. That is so awesome that you are working to become a dentist and volunteering at OKmom annually. I myself would like to make an impact on those less fortunate with my talents. I hope studying for the DAT is going well! I look forward to reading more of your stories!

  11. Hello Dhara! I found it adorable that you like coffee so much and I do hope that you will get your own coffee shop one day! I have never been to Second Wind before, but I should visit there sometimes. It is great that you are also passion about dentistry and wanting to help those in needs, as a Pre-med student, that is what I really want to do as well! Therefore, good luck on your DAT and it is nice to meet you.

  12. Hi Dhara!
    I love that you love coffee so much. I relate, but mostly because I am more of a fan of the cute little cafes themselves. (Haha.) I enjoy coffee, but something about a cute, small, quaint cafe makes me happy. I have never been to Second Wind, but now I would like to go! You must be a busy busy woman with that major/minors! Good for you! I would never think of being a dentist, but I think that profession is very cool. Nice to meet you!!

  13. Hi, Dhara! It’s amazing that you are so passionate about helping the community, dentistry, and (best of all) coffee. My personal favorite coffee shop in Norman is Michelangelo’s, but I do love Second Wind! Anyway, I wish you the best of luck with passing your DAT, and I can’t wait to read your stories for the rest of the semester!

  14. I love the color red for all the reasons you’ve mentioned here—it has so many different sides to it, and the same shade can be interpreted in so many different ways. Beyond that, it’s really awesome of you to volunteer so much, and it sounds like you’ll make an awesome dentist: it’s crazy how much impact someone’s smile can have on their self-esteem and their life in general, so you’ll definitely be able to make a difference in people’s lives. Best of luck with the DAT!

  15. It is so nice to meet you Dhara! You are doing so much. I love that one of your minors is Human Relations because that is my major! I hope that you are liking the classes. I also love to volunteer, and am glad to see that you are giving back to the community. I hope that you do become a dentist. I have no doubt that you will! Good luck on the rest of the semester!

  16. Hi Dhara! I am also a big coffee fan! I would recommend The Sinner at Michelangelo's, its the best!! I think it is awesome that you enjoy so many things and have found your true passions. I look forward to getting to read some of your stories this week!

  17. Hi Dhara,
    I admire you for your great career aspirations. My father-in-law is a retired dentist and he loved his work. It is really awesome that you contribute to the community. Since you are a human relations minor, if Emotional Intelligence is offered again try to take it. It is a fun and interesting class. I hope your semester was a great one and you enjoy your summer.

  18. Hi, Dhara! First off, I love the layout of your page. It is really cool looking and attracts my eyes haha. It's so cool that you have such cool career goals, I wish I could say the same haha. I was almost a human relations minor, so that's pretty cool. I hope you have had a great semester and conitnue to make great contributions to the community!

  19. Hey Dhara! It was fun to learn a little bit about you from your introduction. I didn't know your favorite color was red, it's definitely probably my second favorite after blue! I think you're going to make a great dentist one day and I can't wait to see all the awesome things that you do! Enjoy the last couple weeks of the semester :)

  20. Hi Dhara, nice to meet you. I think it is great that you do yoga. I might try it out one day! All I have heard are good things from people that do it every day. I knew a couple of people that also want to become dentists. They were very intelligent! Good luck with your studies and enjoy your last year here in the fall!
